Boards and Governance Archives - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Boards and Governance”

Lessons in Board Recruitment from Malcolm MacLeod 

At Exponent Philanthropy, we believe lean foundations can drive significant change through thoughtful strategies and meaningful community engagement. Malcolm MacLeod, board chair of the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, recently shared how his foundation has embraced these practices to achieve transformative outcomes. He discusses this in depth on a recent episode of The Catalytic Podcast: Supercharging Impact:... Read More

Foundation Fundamentals

Exponent Philanthropy’s Foundation Fundamentals aim to assist you in starting your philanthropic journey with Exponent Philanthropy. Before diving into your grantmaking, there are several questions to consider. How will you operate your foundation? How will you manage your foundation’s assets and investments? What tax and legal issues should you address? Once you have answered these... Read More

Foundation Fundamentals: Investments

Imagine a foundation with $10 million in assets. To meet the 5% distribution requirement, it must allocate $500,000 each year. While foundations take great care in managing their grant distributions, what happens to the remaining $9.5 million? This section will help you understand how foundations manage investments, including who oversees the money and key fiduciary... Read More

Mapping the Lean Funder’s Equity Journey

We’ve interviewed dozens of lean funders at various points during their equity journeys over the years. Through those conversations, emails, and a review of documents, policies, and practices, we were able to create a rough map of the lean funder’s equity journey. This journey has four phases: Thinking about equity Making policy changes Building trust... Read More

How Lean Funders Engage the Foundation’s Board in Racial Equity Work

The most frequent equity question lean funders ask us is: How do I engage my board in racial equity work? Unfortunately, there is not an easy nor straightforward answer. As we interviewed foundation boards and staff across the country in various phases of equity work, we heard two main approaches to engaging the board in... Read More