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Topic: “Grantmaking”

Foundation Operations and Management Report

The Foundation Operations and Management Report—the only resource of its kind for foundations operating with few or no staff—offers key industry benchmarks and long-term data on the evolution of lean foundations. Based on our annual survey of members, this report has insights into the grantmaking, operations, and management of foundations with few or no staff.... Read More

Discretionary Grantmaking: Should Your Foundation Let Members Go Solo?

Foundations typically approach most grants as a team sport, debating their merits and deciding, collectively, whether they’re likely to achieve the foundation’s goals. However, in addition to granting as a group, some foundations give their board and/or family members a portion of funds to donate as individuals. This practice, called discretionary grantmaking, is legally permitted... Read More

On Philanthropy: What’s Changed in the Past Decade

The following is an excerpt from Foundant’s publication “On Philanthropy: What’s Changed in the Past Decade and What It Means for the Sector,” a product of its 2017 survey of its grantmaking and grantseeking clients. Read the full article and many others at the Foundant Philanthropy Experience site. By Sharmila Rao Thakkar Ten years ago... Read More