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Topic: “Grantmaking”

When $100,000 Goes Further Than a Traditional Grant

Many nonprofits across the country struggle with financial viability, according to a recent report based on data provided by GuideStar. The majority have less than one month of operating reserves, and 30% face potential liquidity issues. Nonprofits in the education and health and human services sectors, typically reliant on government contracts and fee-for-service-revenue, operate with... Read More

Webinar Recording
What Is a Coach Approach to Philanthropy?

The “coach approach” is a skillset and mindset that can transform the key relationships in your philanthropic work. Using deep listening and powerful questions, the “coach approach” helps you gain awareness, discover new ways of thinking, and focus on creating collaborative solutions. During this webinar, you will learn the basics of the approach and hear... Read More

Foundations Regroup to Meet Shifting Public Policy

Responding to dramatic changes in public policy in 2017, many foundation leaders have tailored their strategies and tactics in continued pursuit of their missions. Armed with clear focus, experience, and strong networks, these foundations are modeling good philanthropic practice that is worth noticing. Recently, dozens of funders gathered at Associated Grant Makers (AGM) to discuss... Read More

Records Retention Policy

A records retention policy is a simple written document—one or two pages—that summarizes your procedures for storing, organizing, purging, archiving, and protecting foundation documents and fulfilling public reporting requirements. A records retention policy typically includes the following information: What documents you store and how long you store them Where you store different types of documents:... Read More

Software Solutions for Grantmaking

Foundations use software for some of the following tasks: preparing mailing labels, creating lists of grantees, recalling grant history, tracking outstanding commitments, sharing grant requests with other trustees online, and tracking letters and reports from grantees. Assessing your needs Any computer consultant will tell you that the first step in choosing software is to take... Read More