Leadership Archives - Page 9 of 15 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Leadership”

Venture Philanthropy and the World’s Most Plastic-Polluted Beach

How to catalyze impact for the environment using venture philanthropy—three perspectives from our new member Howell Conservation Fund I’m Brett Howell, founder of Howell Conservation Fund, and a new member of Exponent Philanthropy. My mission is to catalyze teams to achieve breakthrough solutions to the systemic sustainability issues we face on our planet. As a... Read More

On Philanthropy: What’s Changed in the Past Decade

The following is an excerpt from Foundant’s publication “On Philanthropy: What’s Changed in the Past Decade and What It Means for the Sector,” a product of its 2017 survey of its grantmaking and grantseeking clients. Read the full article and many others at the Foundant Philanthropy Experience site. By Sharmila Rao Thakkar Ten years ago... Read More

Advocacy With a Small “a”—Big Ideas for Small Foundations

While attending Exponent Philanthropy’s 2018 National Conference last month, I had a surprise: I saw a significant number of grantmakers genuinely excited about getting involved in advocacy! At the closing luncheon, I was seated with Melinda McAliney, Director of the Brown Sisters Foundation and Vario Philanthropy, in St Louis, Missouri. She noticed it too and... Read More

None of Us Has Any Wiggle Room on This

Throughout the year, I write to our member donors to pass along insights I gather in my dual role as Exponent Philanthropy member and CEO, and to provide a special window onto our activities. My most recent communication sparked many positive notes in return, and I’m pleased to share it here with our broader community. I’ve... Read More