Leadership Archives - Page 9 of 16 - Exponent Philanthropy


Topic: “Leadership”

My Mind Is Confused. My Heart Is Heavy.

For several days, I have struggled with how to make sense of what is happening in this country. I’ve heard commentators—black and white—prognosticate on what we must do, while trying to explain what brought us to today. I have read words from my colleagues in the philanthropic field, calling for action and offering heartfelt directions... Read More

Daring to Dream

I was driving my daughter to her summer job, and we were sharing: Thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams. I went first. “I had a dream last night that a large snake rose from the laundry basket.” Not being a snake person in any way-shape-or-form, I was still shaken a bit. “Hmm,” responded 17-year-old Sophia. “My dreams... Read More

Venture Philanthropy and the World’s Most Plastic-Polluted Beach

How to catalyze impact for the environment using venture philanthropy—three perspectives from our new member Howell Conservation Fund I’m Brett Howell, founder of Howell Conservation Fund, and a new member of Exponent Philanthropy. My mission is to catalyze teams to achieve breakthrough solutions to the systemic sustainability issues we face on our planet. As a... Read More