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Topic: “Leadership”

Why We Focus on Learning

When I joined Hau’oli Mau Loa Foundation in 2008, the board and I realized that we could leverage our grants by promoting learning among ourselves and our grantee partners. A learning mindset makes it possible for our ears to be attuned to input Because we strive to approach everything as an opportunity for new insights,... Read More

Your Point of View Gives You an Edge

A point of view is a distinctive attitude about philanthropy—what you as a funder believe you can best accomplish, and how to do it. I have noticed that philanthropists who have a point of view are more intentional, more confident, and more bold and daring. They have thought through not only their mission and focus—but... Read More

Convening to Build Capacity

When it comes to learning about important issues and moving the needle in the right direction, convening is a low-cost and high-impact leadership tool you can’t overlook. The Exponent Philanthropy member John Gogian Family Foundation and executive director Lindsey Stammerjohn began convening grantees in 2010 as part of a capacity building initiative. They recognized common struggles that many grantee... Read More

Why We Convene Grantees

The Hau’oli Mau Loa Foundation started convening partner grantees with two goals in mind: to provide a space to share and learn from one another and to help them feel excited and renewed. “It started as a way to bring partners together,” says former executive director Janis Reischmann. “We thought there would be value in... Read More

Small Foundations Embrace Advocacy to Catalyze Change

This post, based on research by Exponent Philanthropy Senior Program Director Andy Carroll, was originally featured on the Bolder Advocacy blog. An initiative of the Alliance for Justice, Bolder Advocacy equips nonprofits and foundations with the knowledge and tools to advocate effectively. People who believe in advocacy as a strategy for change wonder: “How can we encourage more foundations to... Read More