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Funders Reflect on the Craft of Catalyzing Change in Exponent’s New Podcast Series

How would philanthropy be different if foundation leaders spent most of their time out in the community listening, learning and engaging with people? In my work at Exponent Philanthropy, I interview hundreds of staff, trustees and donors of small, place-based foundations. I’ve learned that many organize their work in this way—seeing themselves not as grantmakers,... Read More

Time-Limited Philanthropy: Embracing Mortality Can Drive Urgency and Excellence

In Give Smart, Thomas J. Tierney and Joel L. Fleishman wrote that private foundation excellence is self-imposed. “Of all the characteristics that distinguish philanthropists, the single most consequential may be the fact that they are essentially accountable to no one but themselves,” they said. Governments must win the favor of voters. Companies must earn customer... Read More

Embracing Strategic Planning In Philanthropy

This primer introduces you to the wide world of foundation strategic planning. No two strategic plans are alike, and the process for developing and implementing strategic plans can be just as different. In this primer, you’ll discover why funders engage in strategic planning, get an overview of the strategic planning process, and hear what other... Read More

Sample Document
Strategic Plan Sample

This document provides an example of how the Ball Brothers Foundation tracks its progress towards its strategic objectives. This matrix provides a picture of one of the foundation’s goals and just one of the objectives and action items. *** We thank the Ball Brothers Foundation for these sample resources. Read More