advocacy Archives - Exponent Philanthropy

advocacy Archives

Advocacy: A Crucial Tool for Lean Funders

For far too long, foundations and philanthropists have stayed out of policy debates. Consequently, many nonprofits supported by these foundations have avoided political involvement to avoid upsetting their donors. However, this silence comes at a cost.  Advocacy and Lobbying by Private Foundations Funders can support and participate in advocacy and encourage their grantees to do... Read More

Integrating Feminism Into Philanthropy

For society to advance gender equity, intersectional feminism must become part of the mainstream narrative and mindset. Philanthropy is our opportunity to be change agents, so that this statistic increases: Just 1.9% of philanthropic dollars go toward women and girls, according to the “The Women and Girls Index: Measuring Giving to Women and Girls” from the... Read More

Lean Foundations: Perfectly Positioned for Advocacy

Advocacy is the act of promoting a broad and general position to legislators, bureaucrats, media, and the public. For example, saying “Poverty is bad” is advocacy. It includes public education, media outreach, regulatory work, litigation, lobbying, voter registration, and more. Many foundations think advocacy and lobbying are the same. While all lobbying is advocacy, not all advocacy... Read More

Advocating For State-Level Systems Change: Policy Work By a Small Foundation

Leanly staffed family foundations can punch well above their weight, working with other funders and grantees to change systems. Over the past eight years, the Thornburg Foundation has experienced this firsthand. Given the depth of the challenges facing the state of New Mexico, systemic change is particularly important to our board chair and founder, Garrett... Read More

When Advocacy Looks More Like Partnership: Inside the Work of a Successful Funders Coalition

When we strip away the messaging and maneuvering in politics, it’s clear that governments and foundations across the country often seek common goals. Among these are: Strengthening education and vocational training Increasing access to childcare and healthcare Creating jobs and new businesses Safeguarding the environment Unfortunately, government and foundations tend to operate in silos. They... Read More