passion Archives - Exponent Philanthropy

passion Archives

What Do You Know? What Can You Do?

This morning I found myself thinking about lessons learned about inspiration in grantmaking from the Girl Scout troop I co-led for many years. Our girls didn’t do grantmaking, of course, but they did do a lot of community service projects. Several of our 11- to 14-year-olds earned the Silver Award, where the girl selects, plans,... Read More

Is Playing It Cool Holding Us Back in Philanthropy?

We have all heard the warning: In philanthropy, following the heart will lead you astray. Hunger, homelessness, children who lack opportunity, disasters, pollution, forsaken animals—these touch us deeply. And we give to organizations that have served us—our schools and colleges; hospitals that cared for us; arts groups that enriched our lives. But before long, our dollars... Read More

Reclaiming Philanthropy’s Role as Changemaker

I see dozens of funders around the country making change—catalyzing new ways of doing and thinking—without the support of a sizeable staff. This kind of change is bigger in scope than starting a new nonprofit organization, or helping a promising organization serve more people. Changemaking by small-staffed funders is transforming how people think about and... Read More

Living in Truth

The life of Martin Luther King, Jr. calls us to remember that truth can be found not only in grant evaluations and reports, not only in surveys and community assessments, or in the vast sets of data available to us as philanthropists. Dr. King reminds us that truth can be found in our hearts. Extraordinary... Read More