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Exponent Philanthropy Recent Posts

Supporting Nonprofit Collaboration: Helping Your Grantees Accomplish More Together

The Children’s Guild Foundation focuses its funding in Western New York State on services that improve the lives of children with special needs and their families. Recognizing that Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) are where these children begin their lives, the foundation set out to achieve impact at the earliest stage of life. With two... Read More

Impact Investing: Making the Case to Your Trustees

Several months ago, Exponent Philanthropy and partners Mission Investors Exchange and Arabella Advisors released Essentials of Impact Investing: A Guide for Small-Staffed Foundations. Below is an excerpt from the complimentary and actionable guide, geared to foundations with few or no staff that want to align their investments and missions.  By David Wood, Initiative for Responsible Investment The early stages... Read More

There Is a Reporter on the Phone—Top 10 Tips

This is the third of a 3-part blog series to help funders leverage relationships with traditional media. Our thanks to Patti Giglio of PSG Communications, LLC, for her contributions to our new media toolkit for Exponent Philanthropy members, the basis for this blog series. 1. Consider the reporter’s inquiry an opportunity. Most reporters want to get it... Read More

9 Ways to Make a Difference: Strategies From Small-Staffed Foundations

In our 30-page publication Twenty Ways to Make a Difference: Stories From Small Foundations, author Andy Carroll describes 20 strategies that draw upon the unique assets small-staffed foundations hold. Here are 9 of the 20 strategies—just a sample of the many ways Exponent Philanthropy member foundations are making a difference through their philanthropy. Do any intrigue you? Fit easily into your... Read More

Is Your Story Newsworthy? Six Elements to Help You Spot One, or Create One

This is the second of a 3-part blog series to help funders leverage relationships with traditional media. Our thanks to Patti Giglio of PSG Communications, LLC, for her contributions to our new media toolkit for Exponent Philanthropy members, the basis for this blog series. Journalists of all stripes are always looking for stories. The stress... Read More

Engaging With Members of the Media

This is the first of a 3-part series to help funders leverage relationships with traditional media, following the launch of A Funder’s Guide to Engaging With Members of the Media for Exponent Philanthropy members and the webinar Leveraging Media to Advance Your Philanthropic Goals (recording available for members).  See other posts in this series Over... Read More