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Community and Collaboration Drive Family Foundation’s Grantmaking

Through community and collaboration, the people of New Mexico have survived harsh conditions to thrive for hundreds of years. As a foundation that funds exclusively in the state, we continue to see the power of these values in our philanthropic work. Our most recent strategic plan states, “If we co-create a more aligned, collaborative and... Read More

Thinking Critically While Investing Responsibly

Responsible investing is at the heart of how philanthropy can further systemic changes needed in our economy, society and environment. Forward-thinking foundations and families have invested this way for years, but it’s becoming more mainstream.  A growing number of philanthropic organizations and individuals see investments as a way to expand impact beyond grantmaking. Mirror the... Read More

Beyond Governance: Training Foundation Board Members for Leadership

This article was originally published in the July/August 2021 issue of Taxation of Exempts, a Thomson Reuters journal. In the philanthropy and nonprofit field, training and development for boards of directors has traditionally focused on basic, fundamental roles and responsibilities. Common topics include: the duties of board members; legal compliance; providing strategic direction; hiring and... Read More

4 Resilient Trends From the COVID Era That Philanthropy Can (and Should) Maintain

This post originally appeared on Foundant’s blog. COVID has impacted every person, community, and organization across the globe. Today, together, the world is grappling to find a new balance between the challenges and loss COVID has brought with adjusting to a new post-COVID reality. Some think (hope) the world will go back to “normal” soon.... Read More