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New Regulations Spotlight Nonprofit Overhead

By Henry Berman, Exponent Philanthropy It’s January in Washington, DC, and there is no shortage of pundits, politicians, and pollsters with wisdom as to what the 114th Congress and President Obama will do, or try to do, in the coming year. As philanthropists faced with funding opportunities today, we are likely better served by looking back and... Read More

Pioneering a Unique Kind of Changemaking

When philanthropists are at work—even if meeting with nonprofits, bringing together people in the community, or speaking out on important issues—it is their potential to bestow grants that draws our attention. Everything philanthropists do, whether or not it involves the transfer of dollars, is called grantmaking. In a society where money consumes our attention, several... Read More

We Need More Bridge-Builders in Our Fractured Era

In our divided world, I admire people who can cross borders and bridge chasms. I think of these uniquely skilled bridge-builders as ambassadors, able to move and navigate among different worlds, connecting people, organizations, and ideas. People I believe who model this bridge-building in philanthropy include Jennifer Astone of the Swift Foundation, who engages diverse... Read More