Q&A's Archive - Page 13 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

Why are written job descriptions important?

A job description is a general, global view of the job and its responsibilities. It should include the title of the position and a broad view of the requirements of the job; for example: The executive director is the chief executive officer and is responsible for carrying out the policies established by the board, interacting with the... Read More

How can I streamline my financial due diligence?

Most funders ask grantees—prospective and current—to customize their budgets and financial information to fit the funder’s requirements. Project Streamline, a collaboration of grantmakers and grantseekers working to improve application and reporting practices, recommends a different way: Make requests for nonstandard information the exception rather than the rule. Consider the real costs to nonprofits of customizing... Read More

What are direct charitable activities?

Direct charitable activities (DCA) are those in which the foundation maintains some significant involvement, rather than simply awarding a grant to a recipient that carries out the activity. Examples of direct charitable activities include: Conducting educational seminars and conferences Providing goods, shelter, or clothing in which the foundation maintains some significant involvement (e.g., the distribution... Read More

What’s the easiest way to fund international causes?

The easiest way to fund international causes is to use a U.S.-based intermediary or aid organization that has networks in foreign locations. Those organizations specialize in giving abroad and can redistribute funds effectively to meet specific needs. Not only may the grant be more effective because of the organization’s connections, but foundations avoid the additional... Read More