Q&A's Archive - Page 25 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

How are Exponent Philanthropy members responding to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Your fellow funders are sharing their ideas like those below via our online General Discussion Community. We encourage you to subscribe and join the conversation. Starting Friday March 20 at 2pm ET, and every Friday in the coming weeks, Exponent Philanthropy will host a live discussion for all lean funders to connect around response to the COVID-19... Read More

What are private foundation taxable expenditures?

Private foundation taxable expenditures are grants or expenditures prohibited by the IRS. The IRS prohibits these taxable expenditures: Influencing public elections: There are significant penalties for participating in an election, and this may be grounds for revoking the foundation’s tax-exempt status. Noncharitable activities: A grant or questionable administrative expenditure for noncharitable purposes may subject the... Read More