Resource Search Results - Exponent Philanthropy


Results for:   Type: “Community Foundations”  

The ‘Typical’ Small Foundation Budget

Budgets are both a financial tool to help manage operations and a fiscal control mechanism. They give your board a clear sense of available, committed, and unrestricted funds, and help the board understand the relationship between operating costs and grantmaking expenditures. Read on for a comparative look at two different foundation budgets—one from each coast—to... Read More

Discretionary Grants Policy

Discretionary grantmaking is the practice of allowing board members and, in some cases, committee members, family members, or staff to direct a portion of grantmaking dollars to organizations of their choice. Although the board is legally responsible for all discretionary grants, the grants generally are approved without extensive review or discussion. They truly are made... Read More

Five Steps to Conducting Effective Site Visits

For small foundations and large foundations alike, conducting site visits often is an important step in deciding whether to fund a nonprofit. Being comfortable scheduling and conducting a site visit is an important skill. The following are steps you can take to maximize the site visit experience. Step 1 Establish a purpose. A site visit... Read More

Values-Based Giving During the Great Recession

Given the tremendous and rapid changes in resources and community needs during the Great Recession, foundations reevaluated their work and responded to this new and complex environment. For guidance, some foundations turned to other organizations and experts for recommendations. Others looked inward and used their own missions, values, and histories to respond. What does it... Read More

A Well-Crafted Investment Policy Statement

To document an investment process that helps your foundation sustain its organizational purpose and achieve its giving goals, a comprehensive investment policy statement (IPS) is vital. The benefits of a well-crafted IPS You should strive for an IPS that does more than simply allow you to “check the box.” A valuable IPS will go beyond... Read More

Inviting an Audit

As managing director of a small family foundation, I had often wondered what would happen if the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the state attorney general came knocking on our foundation’s door. Would we be prepared for an audit? Would the foundation be in compliance with legal and tax reporting requirements? Did our original organizational... Read More