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Next Gen Deliverables
Read what one foundation requires of its next generation in the year prior to becoming an associate trustee. Read More
Read what one foundation requires of its next generation in the year prior to becoming an associate trustee. Read More
By the time young people reach their teens, they are trying to develop their own identities and often prefer spending time with peers. Parents can help guide their teens’ philanthropic interests, but not dictate them. If teens aren’t interested in engaging in philanthropic activities with their families, parents may find opportunities for teens to do... Read More
Today many parents include their children in philanthropic activities as a way to pass on their personal values, provide shared experiences, establish traditions, and enjoy a satisfying and fulfilling family venture together. Sometimes parents also have the goal of preparing their children to manage the family’s philanthropy when they are adults. Involving children in philanthropy... Read More
The “coach approach” is a skillset and mindset that can transform the key relationships in your philanthropic work. Using deep listening and powerful questions, the “coach approach” helps you gain awareness, discover new ways of thinking, and focus on creating collaborative solutions. During this webinar, you will learn the basics of the approach and hear... Read More
How does today’s social impact culture affect the way you engage your children and grandchildren in your family’s philanthropy? That’s a question many trustees of America’s 42,000 family foundations are asking themselves as they look more closely at strategies to fulfill community passions, conduct responsible grantmaking, and inspire a philanthropic legacy for the next generation.... Read More
The manager, a Baby Boomer, wants to schedule a meeting where she can sit across the table from her employees and discuss the latest project. Her longtime staff member from the World War II generation is ready to go, looking to share stories about what used to work well for the company. Her Millennial employees,... Read More