Blog - Page 74 of 78 - Exponent Philanthropy


Key Questions for Collaborators

About two-thirds of Exponent Philanthropy’s members tell us they collaborate with others to learn, strategize, and/or fund together. Members also rank collaboration near the top of topics about which they want to learn more. Earlier this month, I facilitated a strategy salon on collaboration. Riffing off the world café method, we explored 5 key questions... Read More

Convening to Build Capacity

When it comes to learning about important issues and moving the needle in the right direction, convening is a low-cost and high-impact leadership tool you can’t overlook. The Exponent Philanthropy member John Gogian Family Foundation and executive director Lindsey Stammerjohn began convening grantees in 2010 as part of a capacity building initiative. They recognized common struggles that many grantee... Read More

Why We Convene Grantees

The Hau’oli Mau Loa Foundation started convening partner grantees with two goals in mind: to provide a space to share and learn from one another and to help them feel excited and renewed. “It started as a way to bring partners together,” says former executive director Janis Reischmann. “We thought there would be value in... Read More