Blog - Page 3 of 80 - Exponent Philanthropy


Cybercrime is a Growing Threat Communities Need to Address— And Philanthropy Can Help

This Op-Ed originally appeared on the Ball Brothers Foundation website. The threats we face in the digital world are evolving at a frightening pace. From phishing schemes and ransomware attacks to identity theft and deepfake impersonations, the list of cyber threats keeps expanding. As technology advances—and the internet becomes ever more integrated into our daily... Read More

Is This Self-Dealing? 3 Quick Questions to Ask

No topic within private foundation rules raises as many questions and concerns as self-dealing. The self-dealing rules prohibit a range of transactions between private foundations and their insiders (called disqualified persons) to ensure that foundation assets are used for charitable purposes rather than private benefit. Common Acts of Self-Dealing The self-dealing rules are broad and... Read More

Advocacy: A Crucial Tool for Lean Funders

For far too long, foundations and philanthropists have stayed out of policy debates. Consequently, many nonprofits supported by these foundations have avoided political involvement to avoid upsetting their donors. However, this silence comes at a cost.  Advocacy and Lobbying by Private Foundations Funders can support and participate in advocacy and encourage their grantees to do... Read More

Equipping Lean Funders: Key Takeaways From the 2024 Pacific Northwest Regional Events

Exponent Philanthropy members are making a significant impact, serving diverse communities locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. Recently, I had an exciting few days meeting with over 30 members, partners, and supporters in the states of Oregon and Washington. I began my journey in Portland where participants expressed excitement and appreciation for the opportunity to connect... Read More