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Search Results for “finding a focus”

Listening Well

People who become leaders aren’t satisfied with the current state of things. They feel a sense of urgency—a desire and impatience for change. They ask endless questions, identify important gaps, and use their positions and perspective to become experts. Along the way, they engage people in diverse walks of life and listen carefully to what... Read More

Going Public

In philanthropy, going public refers to intentionally engaging publicly with the communities, causes, and conversations that matter to you and your mission. Some philanthropists decide to operate in the public realm early on. Many others, though, go public at some point over time, often when they feel compelled to act. However it emerges, going public... Read More

Getting a More Complete Story From Your Grantees

Without open, honest conversations, funders can’t learn what nonprofits really need to deliver outcomes desired by funders, grantees, and, most of all, people and communities in need. One of the biggest barriers to getting the complete story is the lack of trust between funders and grantees. Another task is creating the conditions necessary to listen... Read More

Exploring the Essence of Leadership

Leadership can be defined in hundreds of ways. Its definition varies from field to field, deriving its essence from the particular goals, activities, and cultures of different professions or industries. For this reason, we can’t start with an off-the-shelf definition of leadership. Instead, by taking time to explore leadership by small foundations and describe what... Read More

Getting to Impact Through Evaluation

Even on the smallest scale, evaluation can: Provide information for decision making. Measure progress and motivate your board and staff. Help you to be as effective as possible with limited resources. Help you to be transparent and credible. Help you to learn, plan, and improve all aspects of your work. Set the stage If you... Read More

Adopting a Learning Mindset

Learning in philanthropy can happen in any number of ways, from traditional training programs to regular discussions with board members, staff members, or grantees about how things are going and how to get better results. Individuals and organizations with learning mindsets realize that learning is about more than ensuring that grantees are doing what they... Read More