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Search Results for “finding a focus”

Foundations Regroup to Meet Shifting Public Policy

Responding to dramatic changes in public policy in 2017, many foundation leaders have tailored their strategies and tactics in continued pursuit of their missions. Armed with clear focus, experience, and strong networks, these foundations are modeling good philanthropic practice that is worth noticing. Recently, dozens of funders gathered at Associated Grant Makers (AGM) to discuss... Read More

Your Foundation’s Brand Identity

Although your grants speak volumes about your identity, your foundation may play other roles that do just as much good—maybe even more. Maybe it’s speaking out about education issues or offering expertise in neighborhood development. How do you find your foundation’s voice? What is your identity? Some large foundations hire consultants at five- and six-figure... Read More

Creating Champions for Change From Within

You probably know the feeling. You’ve attended a dynamic conference, read a groundbreaking book, or had an inspiring conversation with a colleague. You know that if you could just get your boss or your board to act on this newfound knowledge, you could make some real changes that result in measurable improvement—either within your own... Read More

Funder-Nonprofit Relations Matter, But Is Anyone Listening?

The fraught relations between foundations and nonprofit organizations was a hot topic last year. But as I watched the “Medici: Masters of Florence” series on Netflix over the holidays, I was reminded how power for good or bad has always been a dynamic tension in philanthropy. Searching for signs of humility, empathy, and trust Our... Read More

Basics of Proposal Review

Determining where to spend your foundation’s grant funding is an important, and time-consuming task. This primer is designed to help you set up a proposal review process that meets your foundation’s goals and style and frees up time for you to go into the community and develop your knowledge and insight. In this primer, you’ll... Read More