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Search Results for “finding a focus”

Try These 7 Methods to Get to a Giving Focus

Exponent Philanthropy recently revised The Foundation Guidebook, our signature publication for those new to foundations or philanthropy. Below is an excerpt from the 128-page resource. Get your copy >> Many foundations use a combination of methods to settle on a focus. Once you consider the approaches that follow, it is important to recognize when you may... Read More

Five Barriers to Focus and Ways to Push Past Them

In our many conversations with funders, we hear that finding a focus—for all or part of your giving—is the most fundamental step you can take on a journey toward fulfilling philanthropy. Focusing at least part of your giving is not only powerful, it’s critical. Our communities desperately need new solutions to social challenges. We need... Read More

Experience Informs Focus for Making International Grants

Long interested in issues of international development and aid, in 2003 I conducted a qualitative study on Barriers to International Giving by U.S.-based Foundations. Nearly a decade later, the findings from this research are still relevant to funders engaged in or interested in international philanthropy. One of the interesting findings from my research was that... Read More

A Perfect Role for Foundations: Finding and Spreading Solutions

One of the most sought-after goals in philanthropy is finding effective solutions to society’s problems. Foundations are well positioned to accomplish this. Free from the pressure of pleasing customers, voters, and shareholders, foundations can focus their money and knowledge on supporting people and organizations testing new approaches to pressing social and environmental issues. As many... Read More

Are You Prepared for Philanthropy’s Common Transition Points?

Your philanthropic journey is sure to be a remarkable one: often cyclical, rarely linear, and greatly shaped by your particular circumstances. Are you prepared to navigate the twists and turns that are sure to arise over time? Our nearly two decades of experience working with, listening to, and observing philanthropists with few or no staff... Read More

Speaking and Facilitating

Keynote from CEO, Paul D. Daugherty With years of deep-rooted experience in philanthropy and how it affects local communities, Exponent Philanthropy CEO, Paul D. Daugherty can offer insightful keynote remarks on a number of topics, including: Power of Possibility The Impact of Lean Philanthropy Building Community through Philanthropy Partnerships Philanthropy’s Role in Strengthening America …... Read More