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Search Results for “finding a focus”

Is There an Ideal Career Path To Working at a Small Foundation?

There is no one path to having a career in leanly staffed foundations, as they operate in almost every locale in the nation. Still, there are qualities, skills and experiences that prepare people to effectively manage small foundation operations, engage boards, and leverage resources for impact. Patterns in Hiring First, let’s look at some career... Read More

Breaking New Ground: Funders Partner to Advance Strategic Volunteer Engagement

Lean funders are always looking for leverage: Where and how can we invest our limited assets to get the best returns? Will our grantees survive these challenging times and growing needs? How will we all (funders and nonprofits) rebuild our communities in a post-pandemic world? Will we look for innovative ways to strengthen organizational capacity?... Read More

Funders: Considering Collaboration? Start With a Light Touch and See Where It Leads

This post originally appeared on Blackbaud’s sgENGAGE blog. When smaller, place-based foundations collaborate and align their work, they provide unique value to local communities and nonprofits. Still, many foundations shy away from working together, assuming it will require considerable time and a loss of independence.   Funder collaboration need not be burdensome. Nor does it require... Read More

Did the Pandemic Change Lean Funders?

In recent years, we have collected data on how our community of lean funders is responding to the pandemic. In April 2020, we surveyed members on what they planned to do. We shared those findings in this report. The next year, our 2021 Foundation Operations and Management Survey (FOMS) collected more detailed information on how... Read More

Key Insights From the 2022 Foundation Operations and Management Report

Exponent Philanthropy’s 2022 Foundation Operations and Management Report (FOMR) continues to offer mission-critical statistics about member foundations’ boards and governance, investments, administration (including salary and benefits), and grantmaking. Thank you to the 400+ members who participated in the 2021 survey informing this report. Below are some of its interesting and exciting findings. However, we encourage... Read More

Help Us to Expand the Philanthropic Landscape to Support Native Americans

Native American communities are often overlooked. Though they represent nearly 3 percent of the US population, they have historically received roughly 0.5 percent of philanthropic dollars. To help address this, PEAK has been a part of a tribal entities working group, facilitated by TechSoup, to identify and amplify equitable funding practices with respect to Native... Read More