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Search Results for “finding a focus”

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

 Our Commitment Advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in our community of lean funders, and among the philanthropic field more broadly, is one pillar in our five-year strategic plan. In January 2019, our board formally adopted the following resolution: . The Board endorses and supports the staff of Exponent Philanthropy as they continue to develop... Read More

Planning a Meeting? Ditch the Conference Room and Hit the Hiking Trail

I had one of my more interesting and productive meetings with two colleagues the other day. Like me, these colleagues are both executive directors of grantmaking foundations that work in our community. One has tenure of more than 15 years, and I have known him for those years and more. The other is celebrating his... Read More

Discretionary Grantmaking: Should Your Foundation Let Members Go Solo?

Foundations typically approach most grants as a team sport, debating their merits and deciding, collectively, whether they’re likely to achieve the foundation’s goals. However, in addition to granting as a group, some foundations give their board and/or family members a portion of funds to donate as individuals. This practice, called discretionary grantmaking, is legally permitted... Read More

Just Say No: The Art of the Turndown

People sometimes compare the foundation/grantseeker courtship to the dating process: Funders and grantseekers are looking to find each other and build long-term relationships. Sometimes the chemistry is there; other times, it isn’t. Rejection is an inevitable part of this process, so learning to say no politely and confidently is an essential skill. That said, let’s be... Read More

Youth Philanthropy, Trust Building, and Sharing Power

Despite the growing number of youth philanthropy programs in the United States, a 2002 survey found that “only 48 percent of adults believe it is important to seek young people’s opinions when making decisions that affect them.” As Katie Richards-Schuster, a professor at University of Michigan stated in 2012, “In general, American society, through its policies and practices, tends to... Read More

How to Evaluate a Nonprofit Social Enterprise

How does a nonprofit organization operate effective programs and also run a successful social enterprise? How does its enterprise generate both earned revenue and significant benefits to the organization’s target population? Balancing these two goals is harder than it looks, requiring adept leadership that is mission-focused and skilled in resource management and clear messaging. Some... Read More