Q&A's Archive - Page 24 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

How can I build better relationships with my nonprofit partners?

Our Great Funder–Nonprofit Relationships Toolkit is designed to help funders recognize the aspects of great relationships with nonprofit partners, assess competencies, and consider ways to improve how to work with one another. It walks through: The hallmarks of great relationships. A self-diagnostic that can help you identify opportunities for improvement. Two key skills that can... Read More

Do you have recommendations for anti-racist training for nonprofits?

Exponent Philanthropy is working on a list of books, resources and trainings, but here are some suggestions to start: “Allyship” workshop from Service Never Sleeps Anti-Racism Project resources “Beyond Lists: On White Allyship and Reparations” by Karen Pittelman BU Center for Antiracist Research DIA: Building Equitable and Inclusive Organizations How Philanthropy Can Help Achieve Racial... Read More

What budget process do you use?

Small foundations tend to tailor their budgets to match their unique combination of characteristics. In our resource, The ‘Typical’ Small Foundation Budget, we take a comparative look at two different foundation budgets—one from each coast—to see similarities and differences, and glean some valuable information for your budgeting process. Read More

How can I streamline making grants, and what are the minimum requirements?

Several years ago, Project Streamline investigated the minimum requirements and reported that for grants to public charities, there are no requirements beyond verifying current tax status. Below are several resources that explore this and other topics related to streamlining: Streamlining Ten Ways to Streamline Reducing the Burden on Our Grantseekers and Ourselves Why We Accept... Read More