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How Do Funders Navigate the Power of the Purse?
Too often, grantees do the asking, reporting, and proving, while donors sit in positions to say yes or no, how much, when, and what’s required. Navigating the complex grantee–grantor relationship takes more than just good intentions—it takes flexibility, finesse, and a sincere desire to balance the power dynamics at play. Katherine Lorenz, president of the... Read More
Pioneering a Unique Kind of Changemaking
When philanthropists are at work—even if meeting with nonprofits, bringing together people in the community, or speaking out on important issues—it is their potential to bestow grants that draws our attention. Everything philanthropists do, whether or not it involves the transfer of dollars, is called grantmaking. In a society where money consumes our attention, several... Read More
We Need More Bridge-Builders in Our Fractured Era
In our divided world, I admire people who can cross borders and bridge chasms. I think of these uniquely skilled bridge-builders as ambassadors, able to move and navigate among different worlds, connecting people, organizations, and ideas. People I believe who model this bridge-building in philanthropy include Jennifer Astone of the Swift Foundation, who engages diverse... Read More
Philanthropy Debates Its Role
Debates about philanthropy’s role have heated up since the 1980s, as the federal government cut taxes and support for many social programs, a series of recessions battered the economy, and economic hardship deepened and expanded. In this era of scarcity, philanthropy has been pulled into a much higher profile. Demands come from lawmakers seeking private... Read More
Young Leaders: Take Charge of Your Professional Development
For emerging young leaders at small-staffed foundations, the pathway to professional growth, advancement, and impact may not always be clear. But, with creativity, courage, and intention, we can take charge of our own development. There is no perfect formula for how to tackle society’s biggest challenges. Nor is there a ubiquitous road map for success... Read More
Success in CEO Transitions
Imagine you are running your first marathon. Coming up on the final mile, your energy is flagging, but you know you can make it. Then, all of a sudden, you see a sign that reads “Finish line 4 miles ahead.” Whether you could physically make it or not is beside the point now. Your mental... Read More