Boards and Governance Archives - Exponent Philanthropy

Boards and Governance Archives

Key Insights on Diversity and Racial Equity in Leanly Staffed Foundations

Exponent Philanthropy is proud to launch, Mind the Gap: Exploring the Role of Diversity and Racial Equity in Leanly Staffed Foundations – 2021 Edition. This publication shares our research on leanly staffed foundation demographics, and how lean funders see racial equity relate to their work. The intentional inclusion of diverse perspectives leads to better decision... Read More

Beyond Governance: Training Foundation Board Members for Leadership

This article was originally published in the July/August 2021 issue of Taxation of Exempts, a Thomson Reuters journal. In the philanthropy and nonprofit field, training and development for boards of directors has traditionally focused on basic, fundamental roles and responsibilities. Common topics include: the duties of board members; legal compliance; providing strategic direction; hiring and... Read More

Key Insights From This Year’s Foundation Operations and Management Report

2020 was difficult for us all. The pandemic changed the nature of work, and how funders interact with their boards, staff and the nonprofits in their communities. Despite these challenges, more than 400 members of the Exponent Philanthropy community participated in the survey informing our 2021 Foundation Operations and Management Report. We thank you—without your... Read More