Q&A's Archive - Page 10 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

How can my foundation design a spending policy that works?

Your organization’s spending policy should be carefully selected after the thorough evaluation of several key inputs. A qualitative review of the type of organization, time horizon, beneficiaries, purpose of the endowment, sources of funding, institutional resources, applicable donor restrictions, and the investment policy statement should lead to a quantitative analysis that addresses: Annual operating expenses... Read More

Do you have any updates on the Accelerating Charitable Efforts (ACE) Act?

Last year, Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Angus King (I-ME) introduced bipartisan legislation that aims to reform private foundations, and ensure that charitable dollars held in donor advised funds (DAFs) are distributed to working charities in a reasonable period of time. Earlier this month, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine) and Congressman Tom Reed (R-N.Y.) introduced a... Read More

We’re considering collecting demographic data on grantees and grantseekers. How can we do so effectively and equitably?

Collecting demographic data is a simple yet powerful tool for pursuing equity and inclusion in philanthropy. PEAK’s More Than Numbers: A Guide Towards Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Data Collection helps funders better understand who it is they serve. The guide includes: Considerations for deciding what data to collect; and how to approach data privacy... Read More

What are program-related investments?

Program-related investments (PRIs) are loans or other investments made by a foundation to support its charitable purpose. PRIs count toward a foundation’s distribution requirement as long as they meet a few basic requirements. And the best part is that the funds are generally returned to the foundation to be used for other PRIs or grants. How... Read More