Q&A's Archive - Page 23 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

Why should you consider making CDFIs a part of your portfolio?

These days, impact investing or mission-aligned investing are hot topics, but to many it’s not always clear how to get started. We suggest taking a look at mission-aligned investment opportunities in your own backyard: investing in Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and supporting a local social enterprise. CDFIs are private financial institutions with a 100%... Read More

What are some best practices resources that have made a major difference in the success of member organizations?

Members named the following as great resources for foundations to have an impact with grantmaking: Twenty Ways to Make a Difference: Stories from Small Foundations Beyond dollars, small foundations hold unique assets that benefit your mission, program focus, or community. These include: Deep knowledge of community needs Ability to focus over time Ability to act... Read More

How can funders and grantees overcome barriers to trust?

Without open, honest conversations, funders can’t learn what nonprofits really need to deliver outcomes desired by funders, grantees, and, most of all, people and communities in need. One of the biggest barriers to getting the complete story is the lack of trust between funders and grantees. Another task is creating the conditions necessary to listen... Read More