Q&A's Archive - Page 31 of 42 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

I’m looking for guidance on preparing a foundation’s financial statements, and any templates.

We encourage you to download our publication Financial Reporting for Private Foundations: A Uniform System. Foundation boards and their accountants often use different formats for financial statements. In response, a group of experienced foundation financial officers, CPAs, and attorneys developed this uniform financial reporting system as a model for any private foundation. The publication includes a... Read More

Where can we learn more about reviewing grant proposals?

Our publication Basics of Proposal Review is a great starting point, designed to help you assess whether a proposal offers a good funding opportunity and provide tools for making your review efficient and effective. The article Proposal Review focuses on preparing for the review and prescreening proposals, and includes more than a dozen sample forms and... Read More

Can you remind me of the rules governing foundation grants to individuals?

Private foundations may grant to individuals in four permitted ways, with different recordkeeping and Form 990-PF reporting requirements for each. Each way is described below, and you can read more in our publication Legal Essentials for Small Foundations and in these articles: Giving to Individuals Through Scholarships and Loans: Five Foundations Share Their Strategies Setting Up... Read More

Does Exponent Philanthropy have sample language for travel reimbursement policies?

We do! Private foundations are permitted to pay for or reimburse ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their activities, including the costs of travel by trustees. Your board can state its reimbursement policy clearly and in writing, and include the following: Require that travel on behalf of the foundation be undertaken in a cost-effective... Read More