Q&A's Archive - Page 34 of 42 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

I want our board to assess how we’re functioning, and I’m looking for a checklist or resource to guide the discussion.

Our Trustee Handbook lists characteristics of effective foundation boards, which you might find helpful: The board has a well-defined board governance system with rules and processes that allow it to function efficiently and effectively. Board members are fully acquainted with the purposes, goals, history, and potential of the foundation they govern. Board members are united... Read More

How do other foundations define financial need for the purpose of scholarships? Do state savings programs come into play?

We posted this question in our online Member Discussion Community, where members are always welcome to ask questions, share successes, and respond to fellow members. Here are the responses: Response 1 We provide scholarships to high school students and struggle with the same issue. Our approaches have evolved over the years. Eligibility for our scholarship... Read More

Can a foundation recoup grant funds from a grantee?

Yes, but it is important to have in place a signed grant agreement with language that outlines what would happen if the grant is misused or not used according to plan. From the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Private foundations have a legal obligation to try to recover money that they believe has been misused, and publicly... Read More

I hope to streamline our grantmaking with technology. What are popular products or tools?

Here are some great resources to get you started—helping you think about what you need, scan the landscape of options, and take advantage of available member discounts. Technology Tools for Foundation Boards Software Solutions for Grantmaking Grant Tracking: Designing a System That Fits Your Foundation Going Paperless in a Small Foundation Office Idealware’s guide to... Read More