Q&A's Archive - Page 37 of 42 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

Do you have any tips on foundation bookkeeping? We hope to make next year’s tax season go smoother.

An Exponent Philanthropy member who serves as foundation trustee and treasurer, as well as a private banker and financial advisor, wrote this advice on transforming foundation bookkeeping. You may also appreciate the tips in the article Form 990-PF: Preparing to File and in these publications: Keeping Good Records: Small Foundations’ Guide to Staying Organized Filing... Read More

Can foundation board members vote by email?

Voting by email may be appealing for its simplicity and speed, but many warn that it can be a trap for nonprofit board members. In many states, a board is required to take action at a meeting (in-person or by phone or videoconference), or by unanimous written consent. Some apply mail voting rules (unanimous consent)... Read More

We want to focus our grantmaking in hopes of having more impact, but how? There are so many competing needs and interests.

There is no one right way to settle on a focus, and many foundations use a combination of the methods. Here are 7 ways to find your focus, courtesy of Exponent Philanthropy members. Our online resources include many other articles and publications on the topic of focused giving. It’s important to recognize that settling on... Read More

Do you recommend that our small foundation board (just 5 members) create an investment committee to monitor performance?

Even small foundation boards can benefit from developing an investment committee with just a few members, so it is clear who is leading the charge. Investment committees are also helpful in providing a clear mandate to outside managers and consultants. Read more about investment committees, including tips on selecting members and holding meetings. You may... Read More