Q&A's Archive - Page 38 of 42 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

Do you recommend that our small foundation board (just 5 members) create an investment committee to monitor performance?

Even small foundation boards can benefit from developing an investment committee with just a few members, so it is clear who is leading the charge. Investment committees are also helpful in providing a clear mandate to outside managers and consultants. Read more about investment committees, including tips on selecting members and holding meetings. You may... Read More

Our newest trustee is encouraging our foundation to be more public about our interests and grants. Can you suggest small ways to start?

Some philanthropists decide to operate in the public realm early on. Others go public at some point over time, often when they feel compelled to act. However it emerges, going public can be a pivotal transition point and a bold act of leadership. We gathered a list of big and small ways funders go public... Read More

If my teen daughter travels with me to a seminar to learn about my work as a foundation trustee, may the foundation cover her expenses?

Private foundations may cover the registration and reasonable travel expenses for family members to attend conferences and education programs relevant to their current or future service, or to attend foundation retreats—if the family member is being trained for service on the foundation board or an advisory committee to the board. Generally, private foundations cannot cover these expenses... Read More

Do you have advice on awarding in-kind gifts?

It is permissible for a private foundation to donate in-kind gifts to a grantee. The private foundation will use the fair market value of the item for purposes of calculating the distribution amount. That said, there are two basic issues to consider in this situation: Be sure to understand the grantee’s reason for asking for... Read More