Blog - Page 65 of 80 - Exponent Philanthropy


9 Ways to Make a Difference: Strategies From Small-Staffed Foundations

In our 30-page publication Twenty Ways to Make a Difference: Stories From Small Foundations, author Andy Carroll describes 20 strategies that draw upon the unique assets small-staffed foundations hold. Here are 9 of the 20 strategies—just a sample of the many ways Exponent Philanthropy member foundations are making a difference through their philanthropy. Do any intrigue you? Fit easily into your... Read More

Is Your Story Newsworthy? Six Elements to Help You Spot One, or Create One

This is the second of a 3-part blog series to help funders leverage relationships with traditional media. Our thanks to Patti Giglio of PSG Communications, LLC, for her contributions to our new media toolkit for Exponent Philanthropy members, the basis for this blog series. Journalists of all stripes are always looking for stories. The stress... Read More

The Importance of a Funder’s Humility

Each quarter, I write to our member donors to pass along insights I gather in my dual role as Exponent Philanthropy member and CEO, and to provide a special window onto our activities. My most recent communication—sent last month—sparked many positive notes in return, from donors who found it helpful personally and in working with... Read More