Q&A's Archive - Page 33 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

What does a typical grant application look like?

We encourage funders to right-size their grant applications to reflect grant size, grant type, and any existing relationships with applicants. The article Right-Sizing Your Requirements includes sample grant applications provided by Exponent Philanthropy members. When designing your grant application, you may also find these articles helpful: Creating Grant Guidelines Communicating With Grantseekers The Advantages of Online... Read More

What are some of the most common self-dealing abuses?

The self-dealing rules are very complicated and can be quite frustrating for private foundation managers, as self-dealing can arise in many seemingly innocuous situations. Because of the complexity of these rules, foundation managers should consult counsel any time they are contemplating a transaction with a disqualified person. Read on for some of the most common... Read More

How do you recommend we orient a new trustee?

By following a few simple steps to create an orientation that is both effective and engaging, you can give your new trustees the tools they need. Start with the article Orienting New Trustees, which includes sample board orientation handbooks and handouts. For even more detail, download the publication Bringing on the Board: Practical Steps for... Read More