Q&A's Archive - Page 36 of 43 - Exponent Philanthropy

Q&A Archive

I hope to streamline our grantmaking with technology. What are popular products or tools?

Here are some great resources to get you started—helping you think about what you need, scan the landscape of options, and take advantage of available member discounts. Technology Tools for Foundation Boards Software Solutions for Grantmaking Grant Tracking: Designing a System That Fits Your Foundation Going Paperless in a Small Foundation Office Idealware’s guide to... Read More

If our foundation purchases a laptop for a trustee’s home office, which they will use for personal and foundation business, is this self-dealing?

To avoid self-dealing, include the value of the laptop as part of the trustee’s compensation (and report it for tax purposes). The foundation may even “gross up” the trustee’s compensation to account for the income taxes the trustee would have to pay. If the laptop were used for foundation business 40 hours per week, you... Read More

Our grantees expressed interest in meeting regularly to talk about shared interests/issues. Are other funders hosting similar meetings?

When it comes to tackling important issues and moving the needle in the right direction, convening is a low-cost and high-impact tool. Here are examples of how and why your fellow funders convene their grantees: The Power of Convening Why We Convene Convening to Build Capacity Convenings and Other Ways to Bring Grantees Together: One... Read More